The Sweet Violet Blog

New Summer Clothing Designs

July Update - New Summer Designs

Welcome to July! The months are flying by this year, and I wanted to tell you a little about the new summer clothing I'm just about to add to the website,...

July Update - New Summer Designs

Welcome to July! The months are flying by this year, and I wanted to tell you a little about the new summer clothing I'm just about to add to the website,...

Cold spring outfits

Vintage Inspired Cold Spring Outfits

As we move into the end of winter, I have been watching excitedly as the first snowdrops have started to blossom and I can see a few daffodil shoots coming out in...

Vintage Inspired Cold Spring Outfits

As we move into the end of winter, I have been watching excitedly as the first snowdrops have started to blossom and I can see a few daffodil shoots coming out in...

Sewing a Regency Evening Gown - Available in 31 Colors!

Sewing a Regency Evening Gown - Available in 31...

For the last 12 years, I have been making vintage-inspired clothing, but recently I made the momentous decision (at least momentous to me) to branch out into historical clothing as...

Sewing a Regency Evening Gown - Available in 31...

For the last 12 years, I have been making vintage-inspired clothing, but recently I made the momentous decision (at least momentous to me) to branch out into historical clothing as...

Governors Mansion at Colonial Williamsburg

A Day at Colonial Williamsburg

One of my favorite places anywhere is Colonial Williamsburg. It has everything I could want - historic buildings, cottage gardens and lots of historical reenactors running around in 18th century...

A Day at Colonial Williamsburg

One of my favorite places anywhere is Colonial Williamsburg. It has everything I could want - historic buildings, cottage gardens and lots of historical reenactors running around in 18th century...

A Visit to Chatham Manor

A Visit to Chatham Manor

One of my favorite gardens in Virginia is at Chatham Manor in Fredericksburg on the banks of the Rappahannock River. The manor house and grounds are owned by the US...

A Visit to Chatham Manor

One of my favorite gardens in Virginia is at Chatham Manor in Fredericksburg on the banks of the Rappahannock River. The manor house and grounds are owned by the US...

Attempts at a Cottagecore Still Life

Attempts at a Cottagecore Still Life

Just a quick post today to show some of the still life photos I've been working on.In the 1980s, I had a hard copy Crabtree and Evelyn catalog, that I...

Attempts at a Cottagecore Still Life

Just a quick post today to show some of the still life photos I've been working on.In the 1980s, I had a hard copy Crabtree and Evelyn catalog, that I...